Monday, October 25, 2010

Miscellany Monday

I found this though Kate's 30 Day Blog Challenge and thought I would give it a shot. It kind of fits right into my thought process so here we go!

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. I finally signed the papers to buy Life Insurance on Friday...this took me three months so sign the papers because I was freaked out that if I signed the papers I would die shortly after. 

2. This is my first week at work that I can "relax" and I am totally looking forward to the next 7 weeks which will lead right to the Holiday Break!

3. I realized my birthday is a week and a day away! I am so pumped! I love my birthday!

4.I get to come home at 5 p.m. every night this week from work!

5. I entered Kinley and Beasley into Halloween contest...I'm sure my Facebook friends love me for the crazy amounts of post about voting for them.


stacey said...

Hello Pretty Lady!
I am new to your blog - I found you on Misc. Monday. You crack me up - I feel you on the life insurance! I LOVE my birthday too- well actually now that I have Josh I love his birthday more. I guess he kind of took away from the great love I once had for my own special day - or maybe it was the whole turning 30 thing that took the fun out of it I'm not sure;) But I still like it!

Your little girl & dog are so cute!

Penelope said...

Love the costumes! Good luck!

Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

Very cute costumes!

I remember the first time we bought life insurance --- it's a good thing.

Blessings to you.
