Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 29-3 Wishes

Wow what a weekend! We make a whirlwind trip to KS that looked something like this; left IA at 8am Friday morning and got to my home town at 4pm (8 hrs in a car from here forward will be total time), enjoy dinner with my family then drove to Jason's home town (8 hrs 35 mins), got a good nights rest then got to see Jason's grandma and his cousin before heading to Manhattan for the K-State game (9 hrs 50 mins), watched an awesome game then drove back to his home town (11 hrs 10 mins) got up (Thank goodness for the extra hour of sleep) and drove back to IA (19 hrs 10min). Yes you got it right we spent almost as much time in our car as we did in KS! Oh well it was totally worth the weekend. It was kind of like our Thanksgiving  (minus the food) with our family since we will not be going home for Thanksgiving but we will be spending almost three weeks with family at Christmas.

Now for the 30 Day Blog Challenge...can you believe there is only today and tomorrow? I have met some wonderful women though this challenge and look forward to keeping up with them after the challenge!

I wish...

1. For Kinley (& or other children to come) when they get older to look back on their childhood and remember all the love and fun times we had as a family.

2. To live a long and happy life with Jason and our children

3. To visit all major league baseball stadiums (ok there had to be one fun one!)

Have wonderful Monday!

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