Friday we had our final orientation before schools starts so the day flew by and before I knew it my watch beeped 5:00pm! You have to love days like that but at the same time I got nothing done so I feel like I am going to start the semester behind! After I got home from work Jason informed me we were going on a date night with KR. We used some of the gift cards we got for Christmas to have dinner at Applebee's then made a quick trip to Menards to get the parts to fix our broken toilet then HyVee to pick up some essentials for the week. By the time we did all that and got home it was 9pm, an hour past KR's bedtime! We quickly did bath, bottle and bed then Jason and I sat down to put our feet up for a few minutes.
Nothing too exciting happens Saturday morning. The normal wake up call at 8am from the lovely KR, followed by breakfast and playtime. Jason worked on fixing the upstairs toilet which resulted in another trip to Menards. The afternoon was spend lounging and family time playtime with all of KR's new toys. Saturday night Jason and I had our Annual Jaycees Holiday Party. This year it was held at a local BBQ place and boy was the food yummy! Jason and I discovered this restaurant right after they opened about a year and a half ago. We are from Kansas, home of the best BBQ so it is hard for us to eat at non Kansas BBQ places but this place is yummy! We had a blast and of course I had my camera but forgot to take any pictures! Hopefully someone will post some on Facebook so I can share my beauty of a tacky sweater with you all!
Today was filled with a lot of lounging! KR was up bright and early at 7:45am which was followed by breakfast then mid-morning we had family nap time for about an hour! Thank goodness, we all needed the extra sleep! The afternoon was filled with watching sports; Chiefs, Jayhawks, Panthers, Shockers, Nevada and now it is time for bed!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

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