It has been quite a few weeks since I linked up with Carissa at lowercase letters for miscellany monday but I have quite a few things on my mind today to why not!
We had to take Miss KR to Urgent Care yesterday. She has had a runny nose for about a month now but nothing to worry about until yesterday when she developed a cough to go with the runny nose. She wasn't running a fever but she coughed though her whole nap so I though we had better go before this turned into coughing all night and no sleep for anyone! Well it turns out she has an ear infection in her right ear...poor girl!
This is what we woke up to today! They said is was suppose to snow over night but when I went to bed it hadn't started so I though for sure we were in the clear...nope! By my very scientific measurement (as in I stuck my finer in the snow in our drive way) we got about 7" of snow over night. They are reporting on our local news station that we got 3" but I measured my finger and it is 7" so I'm sticking with 7"!
We also woke up to this...
you might ask why there there is no silverware in the silverware drawer,
well let me tell you this litlle story of a mouse/pack rat. It goes a little something like this:
A couple of days ago I found a bunch of mouse poop in the silverware drawer, on the silverware and everywhere else so I quickly washed all the silverware and put them back. Next morning, same thing but I found a piece of Beasley's dog food in the drawer so this promoted me to clean the whole drawer out and guess what I found...about 30 pieces of dog food! Are you kidding me?!? So I clean the whole drawer out again and put everything back however starting last night we started putting Beasley's food away at night instead of leaving a bowl of food out for him over night and guess I wake up to more poop in my drawer! Our little friend had clearly been back by the poop and where the food was stashed is now a hole in the liner of the draw! We will be putting a mouse trap in there tonight so hopefully we can get rid of our little friend!
This is how I got to spend my morning!
I had today off, thank you MLK! but I did have to come to work in the afternoon to facilitate a retreat but not before quality snuggle time with my sick little girl. It was a wonderful start to the week!
We found a daycare for KR! We have one really, really, really awesome babysitter that KR loves and she loves KR that come to our house but due to her school schedule this year she was only able to watch her MWF so that left us looking for someone else on TTH. After having a few issues with the other babysitters I had hired we decided it was time to find her a daycare for TTh. This would be a good transition for when Ashley graduates in May plus it would give her time to socialize with other kids. I found an awesome lady who is only a few block from our house, on my way to work and it super nice! KR is going to start there tomorrow so more updates to come!
I am looking forward to a quite week! We don't have too much planned for this week so I foresee some quality family time in the future. KR does start swimming lesson on Saturday and will have them every Saturday until May and we have a Jaycees training on Sunday but other than family time here we come!
I hope you all have a wonderful week!

ah! mice poop would be freaking me out!
We had problem with mice too but the traps work and now we have no problems (cross your fingers)!
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