Michelle over at a little bit of this & that is hosting s run blog hop so I thought I would join in to in hopes of finding some great new blogs to stalk follow and hopefully meet some new people!
Hi everyone! I am Jessie, a 20 something (almost not 20 something) wife and mother. I started Journey to Fit and Fabulous in July 2010 on one of my first days back at work after coming back from maternity leave. I had actually been blogging for about 10 months before that at my first blog, The Stinson Family Adventures which I started on September 4, 2009 which was two days after we found out we were pregnant! You can read my very first blog post here. I started The Stinson Family Adventures to keep our family and friends informed about our pregnancy and then once Kinley was born about our lives what I found after I came back to work after having Kinley is I needed an outlet for myself. Something that didn't have to do with our family but it might. Something where I could put the very random thoughts in my head on "paper" as well as journal about my journey to getting back to my preKinley body and from that Journey to Fit and Fabulous was born.
I started blogging because I had stalked a few blogs for awhile and thought I loved the idea of being able journal about my thoughts, feelings, and things going on in my life. It was an easy way to share information with lots of people all at the same time.
When I started blogging I had no idea how much I would enjoy it. I mean I was excited about the idea of being able to share information but did I really want to put everything out there but I can say that I love my experience and the women I have "met" through blogging!
Some of my favorite posts I have written are...
Things I love to blog about...
My Family
If you want to learn even more check out the 30 Day Blog Challenge I did with Katie. This link will take you to day 1 and you can learn all bout me though the 30 days!
I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday and I cannot wait to "meet" you!

Thank you so much for linking up! I'm so happy you found my blog! I look forward to following along! Enjoy the meet & greet! : )
You have the CUTEST blog! Can't wait to read these posts :D I love the way blogging can turn into a lifestyle - and you can really make some great friends from it!
Hello there, found your blog through the blog hop. I wanted to drop a line and say I love your blog. I will be adding you to my reader. Can't wait to read more.
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