I have seen this a few times so I thought I would join in!
How did you parents decide on your name?
How did you parents decide on your name?
My maiden name is James so my dad wanted my name to be Jessie but my mom said they wanted to give me options so the named me Jessica but I have always gone by Jessie. My middle name is my mom's and now my daughters.
Do your initials (first/middle/last) spell anything funny?
No, they used to be JRJ and are now JRS, nothing funny there.
you take your middle name from childhood or did you drop your middle
name and take your maiden name as your middle name? (Or if unmarried,
what do you plan to do?)
I had always thought I would take my husbands last name as mine because I knew I wanted to keep my middle name since it was my mom's and I had planned if I ever had a daughter for it to be her middle name as well. Then I got engaged and I didn't want to give up my last name, it was my identity. After months of deliberation I ended up keeping my middle name and taking my husband's last name and I am very happy with my decision.
Are you or will you name your children systematicallIy (ie, same first letter, same origin, etc?)
No. I we just went with what we liked and if we have more we will do the same.
Did you decide on names as a little girl? Did you stick to them or change your mind?
When I was a little girl I was set I would name my little girl Annie or Ann after Father of the Bride but of course that changed over time and I'm glad I changed my mind!
Does your family have any names that have been passed down through generations?
Not on my side of the family but in my husband's family the oldest son had the dad's first name as his middle name. For example: Keith Dale, Jason Keith then our son with be something Jason.
PS-do you know how hard it is to find a good name to go with Jason as the middle name?!?
PS-do you know how hard it is to find a good name to go with Jason as the middle name?!?
Do you look at the meaning of the name or just the name itself?
We did look at the meanings of names but that wasn't a deciding factor for us.
Do you name pet names with human names or dog names?
Not as a child growing up (Smokey, Bandit, Pepper, Duke) but Beasley is named after a K-State basketball player.
Are there any names that you have an affinity or dislike for based on a childhood experience or someone you once knew?
of course! I since I work with hundreds of students each year there was a laundry list of names that were not even an option!
What are some of your favorite names and why?
When I was pregnant with Kinley we could only ever agree on her name which we chose when I was 11 or 12 weeks along but we never agreed on a boys name so it is a very good thing we ended up with a girl! We didn't tell anyone her name until she was born so we made a list from A to Z with a name for each letter then let people see that list with K being Kinley. There ended up being a few other names that we really liked off that list so if we have another girl we are set!

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