I have seen several of you all do this, so I thought I would do it too!
A-Age: 28 and almost a 1/2
B-Bed Size: Queen.
I really, really, really want a California King but we don't have the room right now
I really, really, really want a California King but we don't have the room right now
C-Chore you hate:Anything in the bathroom!
E-Essential start to your day: A shower and a Grande Skinny Carmel Latte
F-Favorite color: Red
G-gold or silver: silver 100%
H-Height: 5'4" on a good day!
I-Instruments you play: NONE! Not a musical bone in my body!
J-Job Title: Program Coordinator/Greek Life
L-Live: North East Iowa
M-Mom's name: Delilah but she goes by Dee
N-Nickname: Jess, JJ, James
O-Overnight hospital stay: Only once. When I had Kinley then I was there for four day
P-Pet Peeve: people not taking responsibility for their own actions
from a movie: "Santa! I know Santa!." or "I love you! I love you! I looooooooove you!" - Elf
R-right/left: righty
S-Siblings: a sister, Margo and a brother, Jeffrey (although he goes by Jeff and I'm about the only person who calls him Jeffrey)
T-Time you wake up normally: the alarm goes off at 6:50am but it is usually at least 7:10am by the time I get out of bed
U-underwear- duh!
V-veggies you dislike: I pretty much hate all veggies! I will eat cooked carrots though.
W-What makes you run late: I am always running late and it is always because I procrastinate getting ready for whatever it is that I am going to do.
X-x-rays you've had: too many too count, but I have only had one broken bone...actually I broke the same bone twice!
Y-Yummy Food You Make: I love to bake so any cookies, cakes, brownies
Z-Zoo animal: penguins (I have no idea why I chose that!)

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