I can't believe how fast time seems to fly! There is something that happens everyday that I think ohh! I can't wait to get home and blog about that but then by the time I get home and do all my mommy duties I have no energy left. Kinley will be 1 year in less than a week! AHHH! That seems so crazy to me. One year ago at this time every time I would call Jason his response would be "is it time?" and I would sadly have to say "no, I just needed/wondered/etc..." and here we are one year later our baby girl is starting to walk on her own!
Here is a quick recap of what we have been up to the last few weeks:
We took Kinley to her first College Softball game
She was loving her shades!
and the wind...look at her crazy hair!
and the wind...look at her crazy hair!
She decided that this was much more fun...
Mother's Day 2011
My beautiful present!
enjoying the slide we got for our birthday!
Mommy and Kinley on Mother's Day!
Playing with the flower I got at dinner
How can you resit this cuteness?!?

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