I have wanted to complete a 5K for the longest time but I have been a huge chicken about it! I was nervous I wouldn't know what to do when I got there or where to go or just stupid crap like that. I know that is the stupidest reston ever but I hate looking like I don't know what is going on so I would rather just not do something. For example I hate going to a restaurant that I have never been to before, if I go with someone who has been there then that is perfectly fine but I don't EVER want to go somewhere or do something I have never done alone. On top of being a chicken, I am probably the most out of shape I have ever been in my whole life! The last time I "worked out" was in January 2010. I was super active in high school and even in college I stayed in pretty good shape but once my trainer moved I didn't renew my training sessions or my gym membership. On top of that when Katie left I was five months pregnant and had no motivation to work out. Once I had my daughter I had trouble with my c-section healing so I wasn't allowed to do any exercise until September and by that time lift was CRAZY! So fast forward to seven months and I still haven't worked out a minute! So I talked one of my friends into signing up with me know that if we both signed up then we would more than likely actually show up for the race. And we did! We had two goals: finish and don't finish last!
Kim and I prerace with TC!
Kim and I had a great time chatting the whole race and we finished in just over 49 minutes! We were super happy with our time and we didn't even finish last!
Post race!
Thanks so much to Kim for helping get my butt in gear! I am hoping to do at least five 5K races this summer so hopefully Kim is also up for the challenge!Spray Tan
The second thing I did for the first time this week was get a spray tan. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to tan but about a woman who is my same age with two little girls has skin cancer from tanning I just cannot bring myself to get in a tanning bed again. I am also on super high alert since we found out just over a year ago that my mom has a tumor on her eye that is cancer and we found out a couple months ago that my maternal grandma has cancer in her liver so that leads me to believe I need to take every precaution that I can to protect myself. I still want to be tan so that leads me to spray tanning!
I was super nervous about going in for a spray tan; would it look natural, would I turn orange, could I screw something up and look blotchy? But so far so good! I got my tan just over an hour ago and I can already see the color. I will keep everyone updated over the next few days about how it turns out and how long it last!
I hope everyone has a great Friday night!

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