January 30-February 5
Monday: Kettleworx core workout with Jason
Jason and I completed the core workout after we had dinner on Monday. Right now I am using the 5 pounds Kettlebell and Jason is using the 10 pound weight. The workout was hard for me but not undoable Jason thought it was easy. My abs hurt until about Thursday where was Jason said he never really felt anything.
Tuesday: Ran with Ashley
This run was HUGE for me! For you to understand why you have to understand the back story which goes like this a couple of times now I have started the Couch25K workout program where for nine weeks you alternate running and walking then by the end of the nine weeks you are able to run a 5K. However, each time I have started this workout I end up giving up after two or three weeks because I'm bored, I feel like I can do more but yet I want to follow the plan. I had been doing the week one workout each of the four times I had ran in January until last Thursday when I decided that instead of doing my planned workout I was going to do a five minute walking warmup then run for as long as I could and I was able to run for 6 minutes before I had to stop and take a break then I alternated walking for three minutes and running for as long as I could then walking again for a total of a 20 minute workout with a five minute warm up and cool down.
Ok, back to Tuesday. My goal for today was to run for six minutes and thirty second which would be thirty seconds longer than Thursday however was I ever surprised! I did my five minute walking warm up then started my run. The first time I looked at my I had run for eight minutes! Ah! I was so excited and thought well I feel pretty good I can probably make it to 10 minutes so I kept going. Then I got to 10 minutes and realized I was only three tenths of a mile from running a whole mile and thought that should be less than three minutes so I kept going and ended up running a WHOLE MILE! I was so proud of myself and it felt so good!
Workout: 5 minute warm up walk, ran 12:30, walked 3, ran 2, cool down 5 minute walk total 2.2 miles and 322 calories burned
Workout: 5 minute warm up walk, ran 12:30, walked 3, ran 2, cool down 5 minute walk total 2.2 miles and 322 calories burned
Wednesday: Kettleworx resistance workout with Jason
The resistance workout was pretty easy for me but Jason thought it was a little more difficult. This could be because I have been working out with my trainer all last semester so I probably should have used a heaver weight but either way still pretty easy.
Thursday: Ran with Ashley
The run today was not the best. I forgot my inhaler at home so this was a real test of my lungs. I was probably overly caution but I also didn't want to have an attack. I felt good about this run but also a little a little disappointed that I couldn't follow up with another mile run.
Workout: 5 minute warm up walk, ran 6, walk 4, ran 6, walk 2, ran 2, cool down 5 minute walk total 2.2 miles and 291 calories burned
Workout: 5 minute warm up walk, ran 6, walk 4, ran 6, walk 2, ran 2, cool down 5 minute walk total 2.2 miles and 291 calories burned
Friday: Kettleworx cardio workout with Jason
To be perfectly honest I was very scared of the cardio DVD. In the intro they show these super fast-paced moves and that was what I was expecting but it really wasn't that bad. Maybe we will work up to that pace but for the first week it wasn't too bad. A lot of the moves were things we had done earlier in the week then we would do them "double time" so it got your heart rate up. My heart was beating pretty fast after the first set and by the end of the second set I was short of breath but it felt great!
Saturday: Ran with Ashley
Sunday was spent having family time and resting for next week!
This run felt pretty good but again I was disappointed I was not able to run for as long as I would have liked. I was happy with the first seven minute run because I pushed myself about two minutes further than I thought I could go. At five minutes I was starting to feel tired but I decided that I could go a little further and each 30 seconds I kept telling myself 30 more seconds and finally when I got to 7 minutes I really was tired. After that I should have recovered for a little longer and I think I could have run further than 3 minutes bu then I finished strong with a 5 minute run so that made me happy.
Workout: 5 minute warm up walk, ran 7, walk 3, ran 3, walk 2, ran 5, cool down 10 minute walk total 2.2 miles and 332 calories burned
Workout: 5 minute warm up walk, ran 7, walk 3, ran 3, walk 2, ran 5, cool down 10 minute walk total 2.2 miles and 332 calories burned
Sunday: Rest
Two lessons of this week:
1) I need to make sure I drink at least 64 ounces of water everyday but especially the day before I run. I really feel like that helped me on Tuesday be able to run for as long as I did.
2) I need to watch my diet A LOT better!

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