The story of a new year, a new me begins on December 15, 2011 when my co-workers and I were sitting at Carlos O Kelly's celebrating Ashley's birthday when we start tossing around the idea of some health challenge for 2012. We talked about making sure we were drinking 64 ounces of water each day but the more we talked about it that was going to be too complicated then we started talking about how we all wanted to run more so we came up with the 425 challenge. There are four of us in my office and each of us said how many miles we thought we could complete between January 1st and May 4th which is the end of the spring semester. The break down was Mike 150, Pam 100, me 100 and Ashley 75.
This all sounded great in theory, I was thinking there are 18 weeks in that time period which would mean 5.5 miles per week and I was planning on running three times a week so that would mean 1.85 miles per time, not too bad right? I had come up with a great schedule:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: run over my lunch hour
Tuesday, Thursday: workout with my trainer
Well that would have been grand except for there were a couple of bumps in the road in January which breaks down like this:
First, my job is pretty flexible, I have certain meeting that I have each week and each week is different but I can somewhat block off time in my day for lunch or whatever so I thought this running over lunch would work out great. This sounds great in theory but I also have lots of students that just stop by my office, which I love, but it tend to happen over lunch so I was not getting out of office when I planned therefore I didn't have time to get a full workout in so I just didn't go. And here is how the rest of January broke down:
1-8: we were still in Kansas and spend three days in Texas for the Cotton Bowl then drove back to Iowa on the 8th so I didn't run at all.
9-15: 9th was my first day back in the office after 24 days off so I was dead tired, 10th was the first time I ran and got in 2.5 miles, 10th was working on stuff for the retreat I was holding for my students that weekend 11-14th at the retreat with my students so no running.
16-22: 16th MLK day so gym was closed, 17th Kinley got pink eye so I spend the day at home with her and didn't want to go to the guy and infect anyone else, 18th I got 1.5 miles in and the rest of the week no workouts!
23-29: I got one run in on the 26th for 2 miles.
***Let me just draw this picture for you so in the month of January when I should have completed 22 miles I completed 6! Yes, that would mean at the end of the first month I am already 16 miles behind! When I finally sat down and looked at the numbers I realized it was time for change! I needed a change, I needed a different schedule.
At the same time I was attempting to come up with the new schedule my friend was telling me about the Kettlebell workouts she had been doing. She had bought the Kettleworx DVD's to do at home and after she finished those she started taking a Kettlebell class at our local gym. Since she had already completed the six week program she let me bring the DVD's home to try so I wanted to incorporate them into the schedule as well. And after reevaluating this is the new schedule I have come up with:
Monday: Kettleworx core workout with Jason after work
Tuesday: lunch work out with my trainer and after work run with Ashley
Wednesday: Kettleworx resistance workout with Jason after work
Thursday: lunch work out with my trainer and after work run with Ashley
Friday: Kettleworx cardio workout with Jason after work
Saturday: Kinley has swimming lessons which Jason and I alternate days we get in the pool with her so days when Jason gets in I will run during that time and days I get in I will run after her lessons.
My goal is to post each Monday about how the previous weeks workouts went and things I learned during that week!

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