The 2012 Summer Transformation has six things I want to really work very hard on this summer:
1. Water-get at least 64 ounces each day
2. Eat breakfast EVERYDAY!
3. Bring my lunch to work
4. Make good snack choices
5. Cook dinner at home
6. Exercise at least five days a week
I am going to attempt to blog everyday about the meal we made and how I am doing on the six things listed above.
Today, Monday, May 7th is day one and here are the beginning pictures:
I posted this back in January but I wanted to share it again:
As a side note I finally gave in and got a Pinterest account, you can find my pins here, so many of the things I will be blogging about have come from the great ideas I found on there.This is one of those ideas:I made two jars as you can see. One says Pounds to go and the other says Pounds lost. To be at the ideal weight for me, in my eyes not the eyes of that stupid height weight chart, I would like to lose 61.5 pounds. Each stone in the Pounds to go jar represents half of a pound so there are 123 stones in that jar. Hopefully each week I will be able to move stones over to the Pounds lost and soon enough all the stones will be in that jar!

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