What is your favorite Easter tradition?
I would have to saying going to my Grandparents house for Easter dinner and egg hunting.
We would hide the same eggs over and over all afternoon!
We would hide the same eggs over and over all afternoon!
Are you a "shower" or a "long, hot bath" kind of person?
Shower. I rarely take baths.
I feel like baths take too long then I stat thinking about the time I am "wasting"
sitting there when I could be doing a million other things...yes I know this
make no sense since a shower takes time but I just think of the two as different
I feel like baths take too long then I stat thinking about the time I am "wasting"
sitting there when I could be doing a million other things...yes I know this
make no sense since a shower takes time but I just think of the two as different
Can you parallel park and if so when is the last time you did it?
I am a pretty darn good parallel parker!
I learned to drive a suburban so everything after that was a piece of cake!
I now drive a Tahoe and sometime I have to stop and laugh at people who have
a teeny tiny little car that can't seems to parallel park in a spot that my Tahoe
would fit in with extra room...kind of mean but I think it is funny!
I learned to drive a suburban so everything after that was a piece of cake!
I now drive a Tahoe and sometime I have to stop and laugh at people who have
a teeny tiny little car that can't seems to parallel park in a spot that my Tahoe
would fit in with extra room...kind of mean but I think it is funny!
What is your favorite Easter candy?
This is a toss up:
1. Resse's Eggs
1. Resse's Eggs
2. Robin Eggs
Who could resist either of these?!?
Easter: do you go all out with the Easter Bunny or focus on the religious part of the holiday?
do both.
The funny thing is when we were little, ok even when I was older too, my parents
would say that the Easter Bunny only came if we went to Sun Rise Service
and behaved the whole service...I guess the Easter Bunny is kind of like Santa!
The funny thing is when we were little, ok even when I was older too, my parents
would say that the Easter Bunny only came if we went to Sun Rise Service
and behaved the whole service...I guess the Easter Bunny is kind of like Santa!