Sunday, January 9, 2011

11 in 2011 Day 9

Favorite Things to Do on a Cold Winter Day

Since we live in Iowa and it is COLD here from late October to early April I get lots of Cold Winter Days! My favorite things to do include:

 Snuggle with my puppy!

I would love to take some time each night to read but the reality is I just don't make the time, however during the winter it is much easier to sit and read all day when you can't be outside.

I record something like 12 shows a week! 
Yes, very obsessive but I work so many nights that I'm not home to watch
shows when they are on so I have to DVR them and watch them when I can...
I also conster this good time management since it only takes 42 minutes to 
watch a DVRed show versus watching with the commercials!

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