Thursday, May 26, 2011

Is it already Thursday?!?!

Where O Where did the week go? I feel like yesterday was Monday then I skipped right over Tuesday and Wednesday and wala we are at Thursday!

Nothing to eventful or exciting has happened this week. I guess I really should go back to last weekend since I never did a weekend recap! So here is the last five days in a nutshell!

Jason helped the Waterloo Jaycees' Annual Sandbox drive then we had lunch with some friends before I headed out to do some final shopping for Miss Kinley's big birthday parties.

Miss Kinley slept until 9:30am!! Really?!? Over 14 hours of sleep! I guess she must have been extra tired but this gave Jason and I extra time to clean the house. We even did a little really, really, really late and overdue spring cleaning. We donated over $400 worth of stuff to the Goodwill including a ton of cloths from my closet! We then went bowling with some friends, had pizza at our favorite pizza joint The Other Place and finished the night off with sand volleyball.  We won 2 of three games so we are at 3-3 on the season so far!

Par for the course, nothing exciting

I got my second spray tan after work and let me tell you I think I'm in LOVE! If anyone is around the Cedar Valley and wants a spray tan I highly recommend Caribbean Tan & Spa  This is the only place I have gone but they are amazing! They also have a special for first time spray tanners where you pay $25 and it was buy one get one sale so I used my free one this time! For the future however they have a monthly special where you pay $25 a month and then $5 per time you come in so you can tan as many time in a month as you want! You can't beat that when most other places charge around $25 for each tan! My last one lasted a good 5 days and maybe even close to 7 days so if you figure getting one a week that would be $45 a month or $11.25 a time! CHEAP!

I attended a visitation for the grandpa of  the Graduate Assistance in my office for the last two years. I had never been to a service where the person was cremated so that was a totally new situation for me. I was glad our staff attended and was able to support Steffoni. I then went to the hospital and had Miss Kinley's "big girl" car seat installed. I am so glad they are there to help because I am a worry wart about everything being safe enough!

Most;y par for the course at work. We are leaving right after work so my goal is to be out of my office by 4:30pm so I can pick up Miss Kinley then head to the house where hopefully my wonderful hubby has the car packed and we can hit the road! If we are out of here by 5pm then we should arrive in my hometown by Mid-night! Oh what a long night!

You should all should head over to Stephanie's blog and sign up for her AMAZING giveaways! Right now she has four, yes count with me 1, 2, 3, 4 that I want to win! Here are links to all four Sassy Alice giveaway, Mally Beauty giveaway, Tommee Tippee giveaway, Paige's Pastime giveaway! There are so many awesome things and you all should go enter...well actually don't that will increase my changes!

Monday, May 23, 2011

For the ones you love

Please, please, please watch this video and share it with your friends!

I have not been in a tanning bed in over two years.
I have had people all my life tell me to stop tanning or to wear sunscreen but I was smarter than them. I had to be tan. I had to have beautiful dark skin. I couldn't be pasty white. Now, I wear sunscreen every day! I wish I could go back and change things but I can't and since this really hits home for me I want everyone to help spread the word! My mom was diagnosed with melanoma cancer in her eye 14 months ago.  If you want to read the whole story you can do so here. Even if melanoma has not affected you or someone you know, it could. Please, please, please get your skin check and help spread the word!

Friday, May 20, 2011

A birthdy fit for a princess

 ***Warning! This post is going to be FULL of pictures! The pictures tell the story ten times better than I can write it!***

Both Jason and I had to work today so the celebration began when we picked her up from daycare! We are having two parties when we go back to Kansas for Memorial Day so it was just the three us of tonight. I picked up an extra large cupcake for her to have as her cake then we were heading to Chuck E. Cheese! Here are a few picture to highlight our evening:

At first she took very small bites of the frosting

Then we decided we could dig in a little bit more

Beasley even got in on the party action!

Now we are starting to get it

And the cake goes in!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the look on Kinley's face

Yummy cake!

The final product!

Our good friends' parents own a business in town
so they put a very nice message up for Kinley

Onto Chuck E. Cheese!

She loved the Merry Go Round!

Yummy pizza

She won 26 tickets by pushing a button!
That was the "big win" of the night!

Total tickets

She bought a purple basketball with her tickets!
It will go perfectly with the basketball goal we bought her for her birthday!

Our day was perfect! Miss Kinley we love you and can't wait to see what the next year brings!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

One year ago...

today our little princes was born! For the whole story go here

Happy Birthday little pie!

Mommy, Daddy and Beasley Love you!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I'm linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm Loving this picture
I'm borrowing this from a couple of 
my favorite bloggers Rachel and Ty

I'm Loving and hating that tomorrow is Kinley's 1 year birthday! 
Holy cow where has the last year when?
I'm Loving that one year ago today right now Jason and I were arriving at the hospital expecting our little girl to make her big arrival...26 hours later we finally got to meet her!

I'm Loving that I am wearing one of my new dresses and flip flops today!
New cloths just make you feel so much better!

I'm Loving that in one week we will be packing to head to KS! I'm so excited to be home and spend some much needed time with family!

Have a fabulous Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Shoes, shoes and more shoes!

So if you remember back to my post here I wrote all about all the new dresses that I got when I was shopping this weekend, well we all know good and well if you get new cloths you also have to get new shoes! I have gone a little shoe crazy in the last 48 hours...beware!

I have been looking for some fun summer flats but the problem is that I have VERY flat feet...yucko! Anyway, so it is hard for me to find cute summer flats that also don't make my feel look super huge. Well I am one lucky girl because I found FIVE new pairs! After work on Monday I quickly ran to Payless and when I got there I found out it was BOGO! Even better!

These are super cute and a bronze color $19.99

These will be perfect to dress any outfit up just a bit
With BOGO $8.50!

Today over my lunch I made a quick trip to K Mart and found these beauties!
 I think they will be perfrect for the brown and pink dress plus they are way comfortable!

Also, when I was at Payless I found these two but they were out of my size but luckily the other store in town had them in my size. I was going to run over and pick them up but decided to head home and I would get them after work today to my surprise when I got there they were on SALE!!! If I would have got them yesterday they would have been $36 for the two with BOGO but today they are on sale for $15 each so I will be saving $6! On top of that I got picked for a survey and got another $2 to make it a total of $8 cheaper and I received an email today with 15% off my total purchase so that could save me up to $5 more making is $24 for both pairs!

First the pink ones
 and yes I'm getting the same shoe in a different color...don't judge!

Speaking of super cute things you should all should head over to Stephanie's blog and sign up for her Sassy Alice giveaway! I would love to win so I can either get Kinley the this plate or me this clipboard

Monday, May 16, 2011

Miscellany Monday

It has been quite a few weeks since I linked up with Carissa at lowercase letters for miscellany monday but I have quite a few things on my mind today to why not!
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

The theme of this miscellany monday is ONE
  • I lost ONE pound last week! Yeah! I am not doing any program this time, in the past I have done Weight Watchers, but right now I don't have the extra cash so I'm going it alone for right now. I have been doing a good job of watching my portion size, drinking at least 64 oz or more of water each day and only having one soda a day! This is a huge change for me but it is going good so far.
  • I can't believe my baby will be ONE on Thursday! We are taking her to Check E. Cheese to celebrate with just Jason and I then over Memorial Day weekend we are having two parties back in Kansas. I'm excited to spend the day with just our little family for her first birthday!
  • Speaking of Memorial Day weekend I'm pumped that in ONE week and a few extra days we will be back in KS! I love being back with our family and friends!
I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekend recap

I really wish the weekend was five days and the work week was only two days! Oh well, until that happens I think each Sunday I will complain how short the weekend was or how fast it went by!

We had a very relaxing Friday night. I picked Kinley up from daycare then we spend the evening doing things around the house. The weather took a turn for the cold so we spend the night bundled up in the house.

As I mentioned Friday the weather turned cold well Saturday it was raining and cold! Seriously, it is the MIDDLE of MAY! I don't understand why I had to wear jeans, a sweatshirt and rain coat! It pretty much just sucked outside but despite the weather I had a great day!
They day started with breakfast with a few of my Jaycees friends at Panera. We talked a little business then caught up on the latest happenings! I had planned to go shopping to look for a couple dresses and some new sandals for Kinley's big parties. Well my friend had a 30% off coupon to Kohls so we thought we would start there and guess what 2 hours later I got some GREAT deals!!!

For $216 I got four dresses, two work shirts, three tank tops, two sports bras, two purses, and a pair of sunglasses! AH Mazing! Most everything was on sale plus we hit the "early bird" sale and 30% off on top of that! AMEN!

 ***Sorry for the crappy picture quality! The lighting was terrible in my livingroom***

Dress 1
Black and purple

Dress 2 Brown and light pink
 yes, dress 1 and 2 are the same!They were just too cute to pass up!

Dress 3

Dress 4
 This picture does this dress no justice!
It looks like a big blob in the picture but it is super cute!
I will post pictures the first time I wear it!

Shirt 1

Shirt 2

 I got my mom the same one only in orange since it is her favorite color!

 I then had an appointment to get my hair done at there is nothing better! I love chatting with Amy and walking away feeling 10 times better! I didn't do anything too dramatic just a quick little trim and eyebrow waxing.
Kinley, Jason and I then headed to Hobby Lobby to pick up a few more pieces of paper for the last few invites for the big 1st birthday party! Then we had dinner at Pizza Ranch and headed to our friend's house for Random Rock Band Night. I only got one picture but it was a good one!

It was Jason's turn to sing and Kinley wanted to be by her dad so this is the picture I got: cute is this!


Sunday was pretty laid back, nothing too exciting. We had lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings (yum!) then I met with the scholarship committee for the Waterloo Jaycees to read all application then we headed to our first sand volleyball game. I think my body might hate me tomorrow but it was fun to be back in the sand!

Sorry for the super long post but I hope you all had a great weekend!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Where has the time gone?

First of all TGIF!! This week has been crazy L O N G!
I can't believe how fast time seems to fly! There is something that happens everyday that I think ohh! I can't wait to get home and blog about that but then by the time I get home and do all my mommy duties I have no energy left. Kinley will be 1 year in less than a week! AHHH! That seems so crazy to me. One year ago at this time every time I would call Jason his response would be "is it time?" and I would sadly have to say "no, I just needed/wondered/etc..." and here we are one year later our baby girl is starting to walk on her own!

Here is a quick recap of what we have been up to the last few weeks:

We took Kinley to her first College Softball game

She was loving her shades!
and the wind...look at her crazy hair!

 She decided that this was much more fun...

Mother's Day 2011
My beautiful present!

enjoying the slide we got for our birthday!

Mommy and Kinley on Mother's Day!

Playing with the flower I got at dinner

 How can you resit this cuteness?!?

And there you have it folk...our life in pictures! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!